This is from the show Mythbusters, watch as they crank up the pressure in a water heater till it can't take anymore. Pretty serious explosion...
More? Check out Man Sends Item Through Glass or The Professional Regurgetator!
This is from the show Mythbusters, watch as they crank up the pressure in a water heater till it can't take anymore. Pretty serious explosion...
Check These! Explosions, Mythbusters, Water Heater
Watch and wonder how Edwin Baptiste from Morgan State made this unbelievable catch...
For more check out The Double Knockout or Bobcat Vs. Snake!
Check These! Catch, Edwin Baptiste, Football, Morgan State, Unbelievable
I am not too sure what starts this first fight from over in Russia... Mahaps you know...
Check These! Fight, Hockey Fight, NHL
That right you read that correctly what you are about to see should never be attempted up any circumstances. Watch as these crazy guys jump right over a rushing bull! Now this is a little too close for comfort if you ask me...
Check These! Amazing, Bull Fighting, Dangerous, jump, Unbelievable
First up is a gentleman from Montreal. The beginning is nothing too spectacular, but once he gets going it's pretty impressive. Have a look...
Check These! Amazing, Canada, jump, Street Performers
But, but, but I saw this is a car commercial, you mean SUVs aren't invincible and can't climb mountains? Some people just get what they deserve, this is one of them...
I guess this is for all those years of horrible journalism... Poor Geraldo gets blasted by the incoming waves from Hurricane Ike in Galveston Texas.
Check These! Fox News, Funny, Geraldo, Hurricane Ike
If you like really bad, painful bike wipe outs then you will love this video. Man that certainly looks like it hurt!!!
Can anyone tell me exactly when this was aired? The US was apparently testing a missile of some sort when a UFO came right up to it. Have a look and tell me what you think...
You have to wonder if this lady had a few drinks on the job... Poor girl, I hope she is ok, but I have a feeling she got fired over this one!