It's called the Lakai Fully Flared Intro and is full of crazy stunts in slow motion with... that's right explosions! You gotta love the combo...
I know you are looking for more so check out these crazy moves... You gotta admit this takes some mad talent!
For more from Nothing But Videos check out these unbelievable hockey fights or this weightlifting accident!
The Coolest Skateboarding Video You Will Ever See
Check These! Amazing, Explosions, Extreme, Skateboarding
The World's Most Amazing Accidents!
This first video is all from the show "The World's Most Amazing Videos"! I can guarantee you that this will be the craziest 7 minutes you will see today... Watch out some of this stuff is pretty graphic! The skier accidents have to be the worst...
Ok maybe I was wrong... This could be the craziest 7 minutes you will see! You can almost feel their pain!
Aliens Are Invading!!!
Ok, well maybe not, but there sure has been a lot of strange occurrences of late. This video from a news station in Finland shows us a burning falling object coming into our atmosphere... It should would help if I could tell what they are saying! What do you think?
Brutal Football Hits!
First up just wanted to say Happy New Year from Nothing But Videos!
To celebrate here are some vicious football hits! So who do you think is going to make it to the Superbowl? Leave your reply in the comments...
For more hits check out this post or check out the luckiest boater on the planet!